Aquaculture far from land can be a reality by combining with wave energy.
Jostein Albert from company Nordlaks in Norway represents aquaculture technology at open sea. Jostein Albert is 400 m long and 60 m wide, and have 6 cages of salmon.
Constructions of this size can have wind turbines on deck, and by making a triangle the cages can be located inside in a relatively calm area.
The basic technology is a wave energy converter in the category of overtopping, made of concrete or steel.
Distance between wind turbines of 300-400 m indicate the size.
A big construction will lead to small movements of the water inside the triangle, and in this way the cages are protected by the WEC.
Overtopping WECs collect water in a reservoir and turbines make electricity when water flow back to sea.
The capacity of a hybrid aquaculture, wind and wave energy construction will be about 60 MW
Triangle design will give 12 cages for fish and 1 for treatment of sick fish.
Ordinary round cages will give about 10 cages, and the total capacity about 10000 tons of salmon.
The collecting system use tubes in bottom to lead fish to the desired cage.
By rental income from aquaculture the mathematic shows that LCOE will be € 0,057/kWh if the rental fee is € 0,5/kg salmon.
Aquaculture at open sea have some benefits by deep water and strong currents, which cause the slam to be spread widely over the sea bad.
Fresh water from the WEC will flow into the cages, and by using the cage in middle for treatment of sick fish the quality can be better.
The PDF below shows the calculations concerning aquaculture combined with energy from wind and waves.
Patents NO 344482 og NO 345376 for colecting fish.
The last design of the AWWE